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http_names.h File Reference
#include "pagespeed/kernel/base/string_util.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  net_instaweb::HttpAttributes


 Unit-test framework for wget fetcher.


enum  Code {
  kContinue = 100, kSwitchingProtocols = 101, kOK = 200, kCreated = 201,
  kAccepted = 202, kNonAuthoritative = 203, kNoContent = 204, kResetContent = 205,
  kPartialContent = 206, kMultipleChoices = 300, kMovedPermanently = 301, kFound = 302,
  kSeeOther = 303, kNotModified = 304, kUseProxy = 305, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kSwitchProxy = 306,
  kTemporaryRedirect = 307, kBadRequest = 400, kUnauthorized = 401, kPaymentRequired = 402,
  kForbidden = 403, kNotFound = 404, kMethodNotAllowed = 405, kNotAcceptable = 406,
  kProxyAuthRequired = 407, kRequestTimeout = 408, kConflict = 409, kGone = 410,
  kLengthRequired = 411, kPreconditionFailed = 412, kEntityTooLarge = 413, kUriTooLong = 414,
  kUnsupportedMediaType = 415, kRangeNotSatisfiable = 416, kExpectationFailed = 417, kImATeapot = 418,
  kInternalServerError = 500, kNotImplemented = 501, kBadGateway = 502, kUnavailable = 503,
  kGatewayTimeout = 504, kHttpVersionNotSupported = 505, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kProxyPublisherFailure = 520, kProxyFailure = 521,
  kProxyConfigurationFailure = 522, kProxyDeclinedRequest = 523, kProxyDnsLookupFailure = 524, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kRememberFailureRangeStart = 10001,
  net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kRememberFetchFailedStatusCode = 10001, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kRememberNotCacheableStatusCode = 10002, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kRememberNotCacheableAnd200StatusCode = 10003, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kRememberFetchFailed4xxCode = 10004,
  net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kRememberEmptyStatusCode = 10005, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kRememberDroppedStatusCode = 10006, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kRememberFailureRangeEnd, net_instaweb::HttpStatus::kUnknownStatusCode = 10020


const char * net_instaweb::HttpStatus::GetReasonPhrase (Code rc)
 Transform a status code into the equivalent reason phrase.

Detailed Description

String and numeric constants for common HTTP Attributes & status codes.